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Rise to the Call Online Course

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The worlds needs us all to Rise! 

To hear the call from Mother Earth 

to step up and protect the very thing that keeps us alive. 

Become part of the movement that is defining our future 


Rise to The Call!  

What is Rise to The Call Online Course


Join the movement and journey on this powerful month long immersion supporting people around the world to step into their full selves and respond in their unique and authentic way to the crisis facing humankind. Karina and Kate are two people who deeply acknowledge what is happening in the world today with in increasing challenges of climate change, deforestation, sixth mass extinction, plastic pollution and social and political unrest. We do not look away but ground into the Earth and rise to offer what we can in the healing of the world. We are passionate about supporting more people be part of the solution and we believe that everyone has a role to play. The worlds needs us all to Rise. To hear the call from Mother Earth to Rise, to step up and protect the very thing that keeps us alive. This course incorporates wisdom drawn from social work, deep ecology, ‘The Work That Reconnects’, activism and the in-depth experience share between from Kate and Karina of their many years involved in the environmental movement. This course facilitates you to reconnect with the Earth as self and to uncover your unique offering to the world. This course will help you to move forward with purpose and direction and become the change maker the world needs you to be. 

Your investment in creating a better world includes the following:


• 4 weeks of guided activities, meditations and exercises that will teach you how to rise to the call and find your unique role

• Weekly video introduction on the topic of the week from Kate and Karina

• Weekly webinar and online group call and discussion with Kate Nelson and Karina Donkers

• Weekly inspirational stories from the movement

• Weekly recipes to help you work towards a plastic free life style

• Weekly tips on how to reduce your impact

• Support and encouragement from an amazing online private Facebook group. Connect with likeminded people where you can ask and answer questions, share your story and find tons of encouragement.

• Meditations, visualisations and journaling exercises to connect further with the learnings of the week


This course is for you if you are:


  • experiencing discomfort, frustration and anger from social and environmental injustices

  • feeling called to action, to be a part of the solution, and inspire great change

  • wanting to learn the tools to be an environmental activist

  • calling in the new way: less EGO centric, more ECO centric

  • interested in methods to connect back to nature through ritual and meditation


You will complete the course as a fully capable change maker with:


  • Tools to campaign, organise, & inspire change

  • An understanding of Deep Ecology concepts, Joanna Macy’s Work That Reconnects, and basic principals for applying this within your life

  • Clearly identify the skills and talents that you have to offer

  • Grounded confidence as a leader

  • A deep connection to the natural world






Dates of next upcoming Course 


The course is 4 weeks long over November. We will have weekly webinars via Zoom, zoom can be downloaded for free 




Next course dates TBC- looking at November


Please note if you can't make the webinar sessions thats fine we send out the recordings for you to watch whenever you require.




This course is an international course we had people all over the world join us in the last course- international problem requires a powerful international response and community. This course is delivered in English. 


Questions about the course

please email AND 

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Module One- ‘Self’ in Rising


This week grounds you in what is happening in the world today and enables you to explore yourself within this context. This module helps you to uncover the gifts and insights that already live within you. It explores the larger story of life and uncovers the role that you are currently playing so to help you write the role you wish to be playing. This module facilitates you to come home to yourself so you can come home to the world.


This module will touch on the following:

• Who are you?

• What is happening in the world today "Three Stories of Our Time"

  1. Business as Usual.

  2. The Great Unravelling.

  3. The Great Turning

• Your own narrative and stories

• Unique strengths and skills you have to offer

• What is means to be an everyday activist.

• How to deal with self-doubt and how to transform fear

• The importance of boundaries both for you and for The Earth- healthy you, healthy world

• The importance of being seen and stepping up

• Introduction into your ecological self

• Self Care- How and why

Module Two- Nature in Rising



We explore "The more than human world"; that is commonly referred to as nature. It is our home, our life source and our very being. This module grounds us in the interconnected all living things and the inspires us to move forward with purpose.


Throughout this module we will explore:

• The importance and role of gratitude

• Nature as teacher

• Connecting into the web of life

• Redefining our sense of belonging and our definition of home

• Explore the mystery of what it means to be human and animal

• How do we act on behalf of our larger body- our ecological self

• How to nurture and grow your connection with nature

• An introduction into deep time- the gifts and knowledge of Ancestors & Future Generations

• How to find the sacred in everyday life​


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Module Three- ‘Community’ in rising


Community is where we live our life, it is our grounding and connection to others. It is also where we can have the most impact.


This module will explore the following:

• Your relationship with community

• Joanna Macy’s "Widening Circles"

• How to build a community for your cause

• What being a leader within your community can look like

• How to deal with the apathy of others

• "Voting with Your Dollar", the choices and energy within your community

• How to inspire change in others

• Importance of diversity

• Power of people

Module four- The ‘World’ in Rising


This module explores what type of world we want to create and live in. This week starts the conversation of where to from here, focusing on actions and how we can rise to the call .

Helping you rise to the call through-

• Visioning the world we want to see

• Identifying how and where to begin

• How to become a change maker

• Become a bright light in the world for others

• How the impact of your work ripples out into the world

• Making a commitment to ourselves, others and the world

• Building practical tools

  • Building a team and allies

  • Strategy and Goals

  • Activism 101

  • Communication

  • Social media

  • Campaigning

  • Creativity and its role in the movement






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“Kate and Karina's Rise to the Call course helped me re-connect with my purpose and gave me the tools to help find my ground. Being a part of this little yet powerful collective that aligned with my environmental values left me with an invaluable experience and eco-warriors I will forever be grateful for."

SHANNON KING / Participant

"From beginning to end, Kate and Karina offer endless support and motivation. Not only do I feel empowered with the tools and confidence to Rise to the Call, but I also have an amazing new community to share my journey with. If you feel connected to nature; and have a deep desire to help our Mother Earth but don't know how, this course will guide you to your calling. After completing Rise to the Call, I have a deep understanding of my strengths and how to harness them to reach my goals. I now understand my purpose in this calling to regenerate our beautiful eco-system. I am eager to see what Kate and Karina release next! I am overflowing with gratitude and love for the opportunity Kate and Karina have provided to me."

ANNIE McCALLUM / Participant

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