Online Courses
I am so excited to launch five transformative courses for people to journey through in 2021. Explore the courses below and see which one calls to you. Each course compliments one another providing people with the opportunity to build their knowledge by journeying through the integrated whole. The courses below are a mixture of guided and interactive online courses and self guided courses for you to connect into at your leisure. Thank you for being apart of the Earth Community.
This is a wild container for an intimate group of women who want to go deeper. This is for the women who want to connect with the inner and outer wild and come home to themselves and the world. Over three months we journey through the Earth, the Womb, and the Heart in a deep dive into the wisdom, intuition and power that is waiting for you in these three centres.
Feeling the call from deep inside, explore here.
Feeling that you want to be apart of the movement for change and live a more connected, sustainable, fulfilling and active life? The Embodied Earth Leadership is a three month container to support people to embody change and connect deep into the Earth to become empowered to shape their future to a vibrant sustainable world.
Become that inspired change for yourself and the world here.
Animal Medicine in Change Making, one month online immersion to connect with our animal allies, deepen our connection to the web of life and gather support and guidance from the animal kingdom to enliven our world.
Coming 2021!
A Earth Meditation Series supporting your body and mind to connect to the Earth and settle and nourish your nervous system.
Join this offering here
Find Your Purpose: Soul Tree Course
What is your soul here to do and how do you discover and live this? Finding Your Purpose: Soul Tree is an online course to explore your soul work and use the framework of the soul tree to gather insights and guidance on your unique expression and gift. This is a four week self guided course to open you up to lead a soulful and deep life.
Coming Soon.
Please note there are scholarships and discounts available for people to apply for in all of my courses, ensuring finances to not be a barrier for people to access my offerings.
Coming home to yourself and the Earth